Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Tomás Saraceno on the Roof of the Metropolitan Museum:

Cloud City

Go HERE for video of the opening

Friday, 11 May 2012

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Kein Ort...

One might even dare to ask what the Met Costume red carpet/dinner had in common with The Hunger Games? (The costumes and cuostomers are neutral...) But that dialectic would be just a bridge too far? N'est ce pas? Did you put the jigsaw together Ms Mulligan;)? Many of us had swum with the dinosaurs and so we know the Ribonuclease! The internet doesn't welcome opinion rather coagulation. Do we venture too close to the black hole c'est fois? Still - we have our couture taste buds. Better off than most...
For the first time, the red carpet was streamed live over the net. Unfortunately (or fortunately if you're a pap ornithologist) we heard a fairly constant stream of complaints (about people and things getting in the way of his camera artistry) from the photographer closest to the web cam mic. Now where's Annie Liebowitz when you really need her;)? For a moment I had visions of celebs in their couture rolling around the red carpet like kids in a playground. Life, helas, is so much more grown up....if one can have a Catcam film why not a Zeta-cam or a Mulligan-cam? I guess that's catnip too far.....

Schiaparelli and Prada: Impossible Conversations (Metropolitan Museum)

Go HERE for my video tour of the show. The films are directed by Baz Luhrmann with Judy Davis as Schiaparelli and Miuccia Prada as herself. Schiaparelli and Prada: Impossible Conversations

Saturday, 5 May 2012

FRIEZE New York 2012 after-party

Go HERE for video of the MoMA PS1 party.

Martha Wainwright

Klaus Biesenbach

guess who....;)

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Tribeca Film Festival- Portrait of Wally

Andrew Lucre elected as snapper at FELICE SHEA's after-party for PORTRAIT OF WALLY. The colorful paintings in the background (or foreground depending on one's perspective) are by Felice's late husband, the artist IRVING KRIESBERG.